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Prospect Of Mesenchymal Stem Cells In Therapy Of Osteoporosis: A Review

Osteoporosis is a systemic skeletal disease associated with reduced bone strong point that results in raised fracture risk, with decreased bone strength, leading to reduced bone mineral density and poor bone quality. It is the most common in older females but some men are also at high risk. Although considered as a predictable result of aging, it is can be avoidable and treatable. The existing treatment of osteoporosis mainly contains antiresorptive and anabolic agents. In spite of these improvements, concerns around unusual side-effects of antiresorptive drugs, and the lack of perfect confirmation in maintenance of their long-standing effectiveness is bring about many patients not receiving these drugs.

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There are many possible causes of outer thigh pain, which can range in severity from a mild, dull ache to intense pain. The treatment options will depend on the cause, but they might include pain medications and physical therapy.